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Word Frog is a language arts game that provides practice in matching antonyms, synonyms, and homophones. The target word appears on the frog, with the word category underneath defining the relationship to be matched.
Complementary antonym words are also referred to as contradictory antonyms or direct antonyms. These are words that exist independently of one another. They do not need any other term or definition to be included in a statement.
Answer- When you use antonyms, you can show contrast in points and give clear distinctions in meanings. They give you speech/language a broader variation. To use antonyms right, first, figure out the meaning of the word you want to use. To make a sentence sound and feel right, use antonyms of the same word.
Answer- No, not all words have antonyms, but most nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives do. Some words can have more than one antonym; for example, the antonym for neat can be messy and untidy.
We construct a large corpus of Japanese predicate phrases for synonym-antonym relations. The corpus consists of 7,278 pairs of predicates such as receive-permission (ACC) vs. obtain-permission (ACC), in which each predicate pair is accompanied by a noun phrase and case information. The relations are categorized as synonyms, entailment, antonyms, or unrelated. Antonyms are further categorized into three different classes depending on their aspect of oppositeness. Using the data as a training corpus, we conduct the supervised binary classification of synonymous predicates based on linguistically-motivated features. Combining features that are characteristic of synonymous predicates with those that are characteristic of antonymous predicates, we succeed in automatically identifying synonymous predicates at the high F-score of 0.92, a 0.4 improvement over the baseline method of using the Japanese WordNet. The results of an experiment confirm that the quality of the corpus is high enough to achieve automatic classification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and the largest publicly available corpus of Japanese predicate phrases for synonym-antonym relations.
When someone "plods along," he or she moves at a slow speed, often as though he or she has a heavy burden on his or her back. Do not be tempted to pick an answer like "joyous." Just because someone is plodding, he or she does not necessarily do this because of being depressed or sad. The best antonym is "expeditious," meaning done quickly and efficiently. To "expedite" a process is to make it happen more quickly.
Synonyms are words that mean about the same thing; antonyms are words that mean the opposite of each other. They are important for building vocabulary and enhancing reading comprehension. The free worksheets below may be accessed for viewing or downloading by clicking on the title. All printable activities are free to duplicate for home or classroom use. Don't forget to check out all of our vocabulary worksheets! 781b155fdc